Game crashes when it starts (Steam)

If you're using Steam, and the game crashes when you start, please ensure you have the latest version of Steam installed.

To make sure your client is up to date, follow these steps: 

1) Update your Steam Client

  1. Open the Steam client
  2. Click the 'Steam' option at the top left of the screen
  3. Select the 'Check for Steam Client Updates' option


Your Steam Client will then update to the latest version if necessary. If your client was out of date, please try re-loading the game.


2) Ensure that your Graphics Card drivers for your cards and also on-board chips (even if you do not use the on-board graphics chip) are completely up to date. Windows will often incorrectly report these as up to date so it's best to check the following links:

3) Try disabling in-game overlays in various 3rd party apps, good examples of this are:

4) Try disabling / uninstalling video recording software such as:

  • BandiCam


Please also ensure any mods installed have been removed before attempting to load the game, as this may also have an impact on stability.




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